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Memberships now available!!! Age groups restructured for Barrel Racing, TieDown Roping and Ribbon Roping
Born by hard-working ranchers who built the West and helped feed our nation, the sport of rodeo directly descends from everyday ranch work of roping stray cattle and breaking wild horses. The one-on-one competitions of cowboys and cowgirls grew more popular through the years and eventually became organized events called Rodeo.
Founded in 1985, the Canadian Classic Rodeo Association (CCRA) was created to continue to provide these opportunities to rodeo competitors aged 40 and up. Today the CCRA is comprised of all levels of competitive skills from beginner to professional. Their common ground lies in their love of the sport, appreciation of western values and lifestyles, and their desire to pursue this active western sport.
Contestants compete in such events as Barrel Racing, Men's and Ladies Breakaway Roping, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down Roping, Team Roping, Ribbon Roping, Bronc Riding, and Bull Riding.
The CCRA rodeo season starts in April, with rodeos throughout the spring, summer and fall, wrapping up with the sudden-death Finals held in October. Included in this opportunity to enjoy CCRA Rodeo in Canada is the chance for members to head south of the border to rodeos hosted by our sister association, the National Senior pro Rodeo association, and the Professional Senior Pro Rodeo Association as well.